Watch director Kely Nascimento-Deluca break down her documentary ‘Warriors of a Beautiful Game’


The discovery of phenomenal footballer Laís Araújo inspired film-maker and photographer Kely Nascimento-Deluca to travel the world with Susie Petruccelli and document the strong alliance of women within the international football community. I had the chance to interview Nascimento-Deluca about her fantastic project for SEASON issue 06 and her warm, hypnotic smile only heightened the passion and love of her demeanour. 

 A true New Yorker by the way of Santos, Brazil, the director carries on an important legacy as the eldest daughter of Pelè, the legendary three-time World Cup champion and probably the most acclaimed player in the history of the game. However, family ties have nothing to do with what is achieved in this film. Her drive and activist spirit are at the base of her success and the need to platform the less represented keeps her going. 

In the video below, Nascimento-Deluca discusses how football is a mirror of society and how you can truly understand the world’s issues by examining what goes on in the game as it’s a people’s unifier. To find out more about ‘Warriors of a Beautiful Game’, previously called ‘Warrior Women of Football’, and the unique talent involved, check out the website and Nascimento-Deluca’s Instagram. The release date is currently TBC.

Words and video subtitles: Naomi Accardi

Photography: Volele Talleyrand

Video by: Neeraj Jain

Editing: Judith Rita Nanyonga